∞ video mais que interessante sobre nós, humanos #legendado
∞ [EN] amazing video about us, humans
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From 1997-2001, Cline performed his original work at the Austin Poetry Slam venues. He was the Austin Poetry Slam Champ in 1998 and 2001, and competed on the Austin Poetry Slam Teams at the 1998 Austin National Poetry Slam and the 2001 Seattle National Poetry Slam. His most popular spoken word pieces include: "Dance, Monkeys, Dance", "Nerd Porn Auteur" and "When I Was a Kid." Paulo Ang, a UCSD student, created a popular flash cartoon out of Ernie's track "Dance Monkeys Dance." Cline himself subsequently reworked "Dance Monkeys Dance" into a faux educational filmstrip, which became a popular viral video that has now been translated into 29 different languages. ||
Dialética [do grego διαλεκτική (τέχνη), pelo latim dialectĭca ou dialectĭce] é um método de diálogo cujo foco é a contraposição e contradição de idéias que leva a outras idéias e que tem sido um tema central na filosofia ocidental e oriental desde os tempos antigos.
"Aos poucos, passou a ser a arte de, no diálogo, demonstrar uma tese por meio de uma argumentação capaz de definir e distinguir claramente os conceitos envolvidos na discussão." "Aristóteles considerava Zenão de Eléia (aprox. 490-430 a.C.) o fundador da dialética. Outros consideraram Sócrates (469-399 AEC)." (Konder, 1987, p. 7).
Um dos métodos diáleticos mais conhecidos é o desenvolvido pelo filósofo alemão Georg Hegel (1770-1831). ||
Dialectic (also called dialectics or the dialectical method) is a method of argument, which has been central to both Indic and Western philosophy since ancient times. The word "dialectic" originates in Ancient Greece, and was made popular by Plato in his Socratic dialogues. Dialectic is based on a dialogue between two or more people who may hold differing views, yet wish to seek the truth of the matter through the exchange of their viewpoints while applying reason. [1] This differs from a debate, in which both sides are committed to their viewpoint and only wish to win the debate by persuading or proving themselves right (or the other side wrong) --and thus a jury or judge is often needed to decide the matter. It also differs from rhetoric, which is oratory designed to emotionally move the listener to agreement or action (a common example of rhetoric today is most political and patriotic speeches). ||